My plan for the future

So, I have discover my weakness and strength. 

Weakness :
 1. I'm not very good at physics
 2. I'm so tempramental so I usually use my emotion over something
 3. I'm so clumsy that I lost my things frequently
 4. I'm overhyped to something
 Strength :
 1. I love English and quite good at it
 2. I'm independent and like to do things alone
 3. I love Biology and good at it
 4. I can play instrument such as guitar and ukulele
 5. I'm good at time management between OSIS and extracurriculer

 My first plan is to go to STEI ITB because I like technology and I think right now, people will use technology more often.
 The second plan is to go to SITH because I like Biology, but I'm not quite sure yet about SITH because I don't know the prospect about it.
 Next plan is FIB UI, because I want to be a writer someday, or editor, or translator, because I simply love English and want to use my talent to be something.
 So that was my plan for the dream college, what was your plan ?


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