Edu Passion

Last week on Thursday, 24th Januari 2019, an event has been held on 3 Senior High School. I was being a committee as in Logistic.

My job was to make sure every stuff is in their place such as consumption, chair, laptop, and others. It is very exhausting day because I had to distribute everything and there was only 8 people in logistic.

Being a committee, I had to arrived at school at 5 o'clock. I skip my breakfast and go straight to school. At school, I already had a job that I must go to Dipatiukur to print a poster that had a wrong information.

It is a struggle to print that poster because many store is still closed or didn't have the machine to print a poster. After I found a store that can print and I have to wait until 8.30 am.

After printing that poster, turns out I have to make CV for the speaker, and collect the laptop for the presentation in class.

Then in 12 pm I had to distribute the consumption for the stand. It is very heavy and many stand.

There is almost no time for me to go to stand or the presentations because I had to work.

It is very exhausting day, and I was relief that it was over at 3 pm.

This is a photo of the juklak, I am the "penanggung jawab lapdep"


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