NOSASCOM : Number Opinion Shape Age Size Color Origin Material 1. The girl wear a cute new big yellow plastic raincoat . opinion age size color material noun 2. It is a cool triangle old small white English wood boat opinion shape age size color origin material noun 3. She eat a delicious ...
ADVISING A FOOL On a mango tree in a jungle, there lived many birds. They were happy in their small nests. Before the onset of the rainy season, all the animal of the jungle repaired their homes. The birds also made their homes more secure. Many birds brought twigs and leaves and others wove their nests. “We should also store some food for our children," chirped one of the birds. And they collected food, until they had enough to see them through the rainy season. They kept themselves busy preparing for the tough times. (Orientation) Soon the rains came. It was followed by thunder and lighting. All the animals and birds stayed ...
Everyone has their own worst experience, now I want to share mine. A couple of months ago, I went to the mall with my friends. My sister was in the church doing her rehearsal. My father and my mother were there too. My plan after play with my friends was go to ch urch. It was late at night, about 8 p.m. My friends were already go home, and I'm about to order Go-Jek, before I know my phone is out of battery. And in that time, There was a big rain flushed the area. I was running back to the mall to avoid the rain. I have just enough money that time to pay for public transportation. The thing is, I don't know which public transportation that I had to take. I am so hopeless that time. I bring my charger, but not the powerbank. I'm running of time too, because I'm afraid that my sister rehearsal was about to done. I didn't know the road too, even the church and the mall is not so far...
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