

Gathapraya is an event that held by our school SMAN 3 Bandung. It is located in Bali Street, Lapangan Bali.

Before the event, we went to a parade first. Each class had to give two person to become the mascot of the province the committee's give. My class got West Sumatra, and we rent clothes the day before. The parade started at Saparua Park to Lapangan Bali. We had to wore kebaya/pangsi except the mascot. Before the parade, there are some performance from some elementary school. They perform traditional dance beautifully.

After that, we walk down the street to promote our event, Gathapraya. Except us, the mascot given ride by horses. The parade is very noisy and crowded, but it is fun after all. Finally, we arrived at Lapangan Bali at around 11 o'clock, and I went home to change my kebaya into jeans and t-shirt. The Gathapraya ticket was sent by email, so I had to check my email first before I went to the event. At 3 o'clock I head again to Lapangan Bali to attend Gathapraya.

Unfortunately, I had to go through bad experience. I actually don't know if I forbid to brought perfume, so my perfume was confiscated and the committee said that it will not be refunded. I got panic, because it is expensive and new. So I went outside and called my mom, but my mom didn't answered it. It is already 4 o'clock and I scared that the gate will be closed soon. A minute later, my friend just came and she gave me advice to trust the huckster around me, so I gave it to Cilor's shopman and said that my mom will take it soon. Luckily, the man is kind and he will keep my perfume.

After the experience, I went inside the event and it is already crowded. There are many food truck and there are stand who sell drink, food, or stand that display creation or photobooth. I met many friends from my elementary school, junior high school, and also from different high school. I took a lot of photos with my friends.

At 6 o'clock, I approached the stage with my friends to saw Tiloe's Theatre. The performance is really good and breath-taking. It got comedy, romance, thriller, action in it. The story was creative and about Gathapraya.

After the performance, there is Elephant Kind - the band I was waiting for. I already researched about them on Spotify and their music is actually really good. I really liked "Beat the Ordinary" because it's really hyped and the lyrics is motivated. I just know about them a week before, but I already want to watch them live. Unfortunatelly, I don't get too close to the stage, but I still can watch them.

After them, the second performance I waited for is Hi-vi. I surprised to see that the girl member on Hi-vi is changed, because I don't know they already replaced the girl. But I enjoy their performance until 9 p.m and I should go home.

But, it is really fun experience.


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